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Sunday 23rd February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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CAVANAUGH Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 23rd February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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CAVANAUGH Family History

The Irish name Kavanagh, Cavanagh, Cavanaugh and all of its various spellings comes from the gaelic "Caomhánach" meaning "born handsome". The first recorded "Caomhánach" was the son of Diarmuid Mac Murrough, a 1200AD King of ancient Leinster, Donal Caomhánach.
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    Cavanaugh of San Francisc

    Hello Cavanaughs, I'm an American Cavanaugh who has traveled through Ireland and specifically around Dublin and County Cork, we are apparently an unusual branch of Cavanaughs as we are all born and raised in the West Coast of the US. I'd like to know if anyone else here is from the west coast.
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    Sue Golden

    I'm looking for my grandfather Michael Cavanagh born 1840 to Pat Cavanagh. Michael lived in Carrowpadeen when he married Margaret Costelloe in Easky 1864. Margaret was from Rathee her father was Thomas. They had 5 children born in Carrowpadeen Bridget, Mary Agnes, Ann, Annie, and Thomas.
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    Kim Palmer

    I have a record of all the generations of Cavanaughs beginning with my 3x great grandmother Bridget Cavanaugh 1827-1895 and her two brothers; Michael 1830-1906 and Thomas 1838-1916. It states the brothers and their nephew, my 2x great grandfather, John Glenn, came to America first in 1863. John returned to Ireland in 1865 to bring his father and mother back. I have nothing telling me from where in Ireland they are from.
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    Bruce Cavanaugh

    Maureen, sorry got that wrong Patrick Michael Cavanaugh came over from Ireland around 1840 his son was Michael James Cavanaugh not sure but we could be related would like to know more. You can contact me through our web site. https://cavanaughclanusa.com Click the user name registration and you can let me a note that way do not want to list my email address here.
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    Bruce Cavanaugh

    Maureen there is a Michael James Cavanaugh in our family I believe he lived in York PA his father would have been Michael Cavanaugh who dies 02/20/1938
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    Maureen Cavanaugh

    Grandfather was Michael James Cavanaugh II. My dad is the third. We’re from Pittsburgh. Trying to find out more about my family. My name is Maureen Cavanaugh. Planning on going to Ireland next year so trying to figure out where we came from
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    Gail Vercher

    Hello. Looking for Cavanaugh relatives who emigrated in 1830's. Born in Kildare Mayo County. John Christopher and brothers Patrick and Mike
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    Greetings Cavanaughs! My great grandfather, Michael Cavanaugh came to the U.S. around1873, but that's as far as I've gotten. Parents James and Julia, possibly Julia O'Connor. Michael died in Philadelphia in 1910. Where any of them were between those dates is a mystery. A lot of Cavanaughs ended up in Pennsylvania so sorting them out is challenging. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Patti (Cavanaugh) Farris
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    Frances Galvan

    I'm trying to find records for Keron Cavanaugh, born abt. 1832 in Ireland. He came to America (New York) in either 1841 or 1849. His children were Joseph W Cavanaugh Sr. 1866 - 1933, and Mary Cavanaugh born 1876. He lived in Manhattan, New York. Joseph was my Granmother's father. She was Anne Regina Cavanaugh, and her daughter, Alice Gertrude Craig was my mother.
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    Well our Great Great Grandfather came over from over from Ireland in 1851 from Wicklow
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    Hi Cavanaugh001 and terricav ... you need to tell us about your own cavanaugh history or anything youve learnt about your own family tree to start the ball rolling - Cheers, ER
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    Ok All we now have 37 members lets stat talking to the members in the tribe
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    Hello Brothers and Sisters Welcome To The Cavanaugh Tribe Patrick S Cavanaugh Founder
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    Hello Cavanaughs
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